6:00 AM Weekly on Tuesday
Meet Up Spot Rapha Los Angeles - 1347 4th St. Santa Monica, CA 90401
Race Pace / Killer Climbs

Come climb Topanga / Fernwood with us.  We'll Meet at The Rapha Clubhouse At 6:00 a.m., Departing at 6:05 a.m., And Ride Along The PCH To Topanga. The PCH is a single-file 25mph pace. Once we turn onto Topanga we try to keep it together as we battle the wind up to Fernwood.  We re-group at the very top and then descend Tuna, getting back to the Clubhouse around 8 a.m.  This Is An Advanced Ride, Climbing And Descending Skills Required. You must be comfortable doing 25mph in a group on the PCH. 

Oh, And The Sun Rising As You Climb Is Amazing!

Please RSVP for this Ride

Not an RCC Member? No worries, you are more than welcome to join us. Please sign the ride waiver with the QR code at the clubhouse.

Rapha Los Angeles Verified Club
Los Angeles, California